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“There is a way between voice and presence, where information flows. In disciplined silence it opens; with wandering talk it closes.” — Rumi.

My RISE retreats are opportunities for clients to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of busy city life, take the time to slow down and journey within.

I offer two types of retreats. The Returning Home Retreat is ideal for people looking to disconnect from the busyness of life and its many distractions. This unique beginners 2.5 day exploratory program weaves ancient wisdom and practices from Indian and other cultures to connect seekers with their divine wisdom and begin the process to return to the greatness within. The program uses the first two books of the RISE trilogy as a tool for personal exploration and ascension. Rise: Celebrating the light within begins the exploratory journey on the first day bringing awareness to our light. On the second day, seekers get the opportunity to work with Rise: Celebrating the shadow within which is heavy and more encoded. The third day is focused on integrating the lessons learnt. Equine work is an essential component of the program where there are opportunities to share space with horses who will respond to the ‘stuff’ clients bring.

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The Becoming Home Retreat is more advanced and suitable for people who have completed the Returning Home retreat and are looking to go deeper into their personal journey. It works with the third book of the RISE Series and helps land unfinished stories home in a way that is unique for each seeker. 

Both retreats encourage enquiry at the individual level to inform collective consciousness and the reality we are experiencing in the ever present now. The work helps bridge the seen and unseen realms with earth practices to honour all parts of the web of life helping attune seekers to authentic way of being and relating in this sacred earth walk. The concept of the programs have come from my personal experiences, retreats she has attended, the Indian philosophy of hermitages, years of personal organic growth and creative tools that are proven to facilitate the blossoming of one’s purpose.​​ 

Group sizes are limited to 6 participants. Request a retreat brochure here. 

Prices and details

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Returning Home 2.5 day retreat

Cost: AUD 430

Shared accommodation is available for up to 2 people on a first come first served basis for an additional AUD 50 per night. Meals are not included but refreshments/tea and coffee is provided during the program.


Next Retreat: 2025

Please email to express your interest in the upcoming retreat or reserve your spot with an advance payment of AUD 100. 

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